Overseas Stocks and Mutual Funds are now on albaFX!


albaFX is a platform where you can get instant access to American and European stock exchanges. The application offers investment products are compatible with the principles of interest-free (Participation Banking Standart) finance.

Through albaFX, an Albaraka application, our bank's you get the opportunity to access the best rates in the fastest way.


If you want to have albaFX at your disposal at any time;

If you are an Albaraka customer;

Albaraka Turk mobile branch or internet the password you use to log into your branch using albaFX and trade immediately you can start doing it.

Click To Download

If you are not an Albaraka customer;

Download Albaraka Mobile and make video calls you can instantly become a customer and open your Investment Account Open via Albaraka Mobile or albaFX you can start trading immediately.

Click To Download

How To Use?

What can we do with ?


What can we do with ?

Foreign Equity and Mutual Funds
You Can Watch Live Prices!
Overseas Stocks and Mutual Funds
You can make buy/sell transactions!
You can follow foreign exchange movements 5/24!

Frequently Asked Questions

albaFX can be used by all natural persons over the age of 18.

If you are not an Albaraka Turk Customer, you can become a customer immediately via video call. After becoming a customer, you can log in to albaFX with your Albaraka Turk "Digital Password", open your "Trading Account" and start trading immediately.

You can trade on American and European stock exchanges.

You can log in with your Albaraka Türk Digital Password (used in Mobile and Internet Branch).

In accordance with Participation Banking, leveraged transactions are not appropriate. Accordingly, such transactions are not permitted.

For foreign exchanges, in European markets; 11:00-19:00

In the American markets; transactions can be made between 17:30-00:00.

It varies as T+2 and T+3. Shares generally allow transactions as T+2.

Price and quantity can be determined with "Limit Order". Unless the unrealised part of the order is traded, it is kept passive in the system until the end of the validity period.

With "Market Order", you can specify only quantity without price. The order is matched with the best priced orders on the opposite side until the order quantity is met. Since this order type can be entered as Cancel Remainder Only, the remaining part of the order is automatically cancelled when there are no orders to match on the opposite side.

"Market to Limit Order" is an order entered without a price. It is converted into a trade by matching only the orders at the best price level on the opposite side. However, the part that does not turn into a trade is converted into a Limit Price order by taking the last trade price at which it is executed and is written as passive in the order book.

Transactions cannot be made when there is no balance in the investment account.

Transactions made in albaFX are visible in Albaraka Mobile Branch and Internet Branch.

Transactions can be made with at least 1 lot.

Through albaFX, only mutual funds and stocks that comply with the principles of participation banking can be traded.

It is the test required to determine whether the services offered by our Bank and the services to be purchased can be understood by our users. Thus, our users can benefit from appropriate services according to their risk-return preferences and level of knowledge.

Partial share purchase transactions cannot be made. At least 1 lot is traded.

Taxation procedures are carried out by the customers and legal authorities, and the obligations in annual taxation belong to the customer who makes transactions.

If the stock is removed from the Participation Index, you can contact OYAK Yatırım and realise the sales transaction.

It is not possible to place orders during the hours when the stock exchanges are closed.

20 USD for transactions between 1,000-USD - 7,999 USD

30 EUR for transactions between 1,000 EUR - 13,339 EUR

2.5 per thousand for transactions over 7,999 USD

You can benefit from commission rates of 2.5 per thousand for transactions over EURO 13.339.